Getting Started With VitalSigns

Getting Started With VitalSigns

Accessing VitalSigns

To access VitalSigns, open a browser on the VitalSigns workstation and go to http://localhost/Login.aspx (or you can simply enter 'localhost' into the browser address bar and the address should resolve).

Access is not limited to the VitalSigns workstation alone. You can access VitalSigns from any computer through a browser window (we support Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox), simply enter the hostname of your workstation into a browser window (i.e. http://hostname.com or http://hostname.com/Login.aspx).

Alternatively, VitalSigns can also be configured to be accessed through https for a more secure connection. A guide on how to do this can be found here.

Where to Start

To log into VitalSigns for the first time, the default credentials are always the same, and will be provided on request.

These credentials will always remain in existence unless otherwise deleted or changed.

You can create new or edit the existing credentials at any time. 

Once you are logged into VitalSigns, the first thing you will want to do is apply your license.

If this is a new installation you can either start/restart the VitalSigns Master service after you enter the license or when you are done configuring VitalSigns.

After you have entered the license, you can now setup credentials. If you are monitoring Domino or Traveler servers, please see Registering Notes Credentials. If you are monitoring Office365, see Configuring Office365 for monitoring, lastly if you are monitoring all other servers (including Exchange, AD, Websphere, etc.), see Creating General Credentials.

After the credentials have been setup, you can create geographical locations to categorize servers into a multiple server locations.

Once the license, credentials, and locations have been created, you can now import your servers.

Upon the initial import of your desired servers, each server will enter an "in maintenance" state (please note that this also applies to other definitions such as URL's, Mail Services, etc.). As each server/definition is scanned, it will be removed from the "in maintenance" state and placed in its respective category (i.e. OK, Issues, or Not Responding).