About the Servers Bar
The Servers Bar is the 2nd in 5 separate categories in the Side Bar Navigation Pane. The pages that can be accessed from this category are the following:
Server List: This page shows a list of all configured servers in the left pane, and all of the currently selected server's details in the right pane.
Office 365 Health: This page shows the status of all Office 365 servers, and gives usage and performance stats.
Microsoft Exchange Health: This page shows the current status of all monitored Microsoft Exchange servers.
Microsoft DAG Health: This page shows the status of all configured DAG's that are being monitored.
IBM Connections Health: This page shows a tailored view of the status of all IBM Connections servers in the environment, and show usage data.
IBM Domino Health: This page shows the status of all IBM Domino servers in the environment, and shows their configuration and hardware information.
IBM Sametime Health: This page shows the status of all IBM Sametime servers, and shows their usage stats.
IBM Traveler Health: This page shows the status of all IBM Traveler servers, and gives performance stats.
IBM WebSphere Health: This page shows the status of all IBM WebSphere servers, and gives performance stats.