Side Bar Navigation

Side Bar Navigation

The Side Bar Navigation feature is available on all pages of the VitalSigns site, and allows the user to quickly and simplistically navigate to what they need to see. The Side Bar can be accessed on all device types, regardless of size and resolution.

About the Side Bar Navigation Pane

The Side Bar can always be found on the Left side of the site, on all pages of the VitalSigns site.

The Side bar can be expanded/contracted by clicking on the Expand Icon, symbolized by 3 horizontal lines:

The Expand Icon

When an Icon is hovered over in the Default Configuration, a context menu will expand from the Side Bar, showing the contents of that category.

When an Icon/Title is clicked on in the Expanded Configuration, the category will expand the list and show its contents inline with the other category Icons/Titles.

Navigation Categories

The Side Bar Navigation Pane contains 5 categories that the user may navigate to, and they are the following

The Side Bar Navigation Pane will also keep track of what part of the VitalSigns website the user is currently in, helping the user to not get lost.

Default Configuration


Expanded Configuration