Security Features

Security Features

There are three important security features which you can enable to keep your VitalSigns environment as secure as possible for maximum compliance.

In the config.production.json file-- normally found in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\VSWeb\wwwroot\ you can append the following sections to the end:

Automatic Inactivity Timeout

This feature is best for organizations which don’t have policies to automatically lock the OS for inactivity. The idleTime is the time in seconds of inactivity which are allowed. Once the threshold is reached, a message prompt is display asking the user to move the mouse or be logged out.

"idleTimeout" : {
"enabled": false,
"graceTime": 60,
"idleTime": 900


Enforcing a Single Session

This feature allows an authorized user to only be logged into a single machine at once. When they log in from the second machine/location, the first session is automatically logged out.

"singleSession" : {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 10

Displaying Terms of Use/Disclaimer text on user login

This feature displays a customizable message when the user logs in. This is commonly used for text such as “For official bank business only, etc.” The user must click OK to proceed.

"disclaimer": {
"enabled": true,
"message": ""


To add all 3, separate the sections with a comma, such as:

"apiEndpoint": "<http://someurl.com:5000",> "uatStorage": "session", "azureClientId": "", "idleTimeout" : {"enabled": false, "graceTime": 60, "idleTime": 900}, "singleSession" : {"enabled": true, "interval": 10}, "disclaimer": {"enabled": true,"message": "By using this system you agree to use it only for good."}