O365 Room Mailboxes Report

O365 Room Mailboxes Report

The O365 Room Mailboxes Report details the configuration and status of all O365 Rooms.

About The O365 Room Mailboxes Report

The O365 Room Mailboxes Report is a table type report that displays several key features about every Room within the currently monitored Office 365 server in the VitalSigns environment. 

The table contains the following columns:

  • Display Name
  • Issue Warning Quota
  • Prohibit Send Quota
  • Prohibit Send Receive Quota
  • Active
  • Total Item Size (MB)
  • Item Count
  • Last Logon Time

Display Name lists the name of the Room as it appears in the Office365 environment. Issue Warning Quota (MB) is the size of email that the mailbox receives a warning for. Prohibit Send Quota (MB) is the size of an email that the mailbox is prohibited from sending. Prohibit Send Receive Quota (MB) is the size of an email that a mailbox is prohibited from sending, and receiving. Active denotes if the mailbox is active or not. Total Item Size (MB) is the total size of the mailbox's mail file. Item Count is the numerical amount of items in the mailbox's mail file. Last Logon Time shows the last day that the mailbox was logged into.

All Reports can be printed with the "Print Report" button located at the top of every report page.