Exchange Mailboxes & Users Key Metric

Exchange Mailboxes & Users Key Metric

The Exchange Mailboxes & Users Key Metric page lists all mailboxes in use in Exchange, as well as a list of all users.

About the Exchange Mailboxes & Users Key Metric


The Exchange Mailboxes & Users Key Metric has two tabs, the Mailboxes tab and the Users tab. The Mailboxes tab is the primary tab, and displays when the page is opened. This tab features a table that contains every currently configured Exchange mailbox in the VitalSigns environment. 

This page also includes two special features, that can be previewed further down this document.

The table has the following columns:

  • Display Name
  • Sam Account Name
  • Email address
  • Company
  • Department
  • Mailbox Size
  • Total Item Count
  • Folder Count
  • Mailbox Database
  • Last Logon

Display Name is the name of the mailbox's principle user. Sam Account Name is the username for the mailbox. Email address is the Exchange email address that is assigned to the mailbox. Company is the Company that the mailbox is registered under. Department is the department the mailbox's user is in. Mailbox Size is the data size of the mailbox in MegaBytes. Total Item Count is the number of items contained in that mailbox. Mailbox Database is the name of the database that the mailbox is kept on. Last Logon is the date in which the mailbox was last logged into. 

All Key Metrics can be exported to Excel with the "Export to Excel" button located at the top of every Key Metric page.


As stated above, the Exchange Mailboxes & Users Key Metric has two tabs, the second of those two is the Users tab. This tab contains another table that lists out every currently configured Exchange user in the VitalSigns environment. This table will display them in descending order of how large (in GB) their respective mail files are.

The table has the following columns:

  • Display Name
  • Identity
  • Sum Of Mailboxes (GB)
  • Mailbox Count

Display Name is the first name of the user in the format it displays in the Exchange environment. Identity is the identity of the user in question in this sort of format: "host.com/Users/Identity". Sum Of Mailboxes (GB) is the combined size of all mailboxes the user has access to. Mailbox Count is the amount of mailboxes that the user has access to.

All Key Metrics can be exported to Excel with the "Export to Excel" button located at the top of every Key Metric page.

Special Features of the Exchange Mailboxes & Users Key Metric


The main tab for this page includes a button next to the "Export to Excel" button that is labeled "PowerScripts". This button will pull up a modal containing the ability to run PowerScripts, and see their results. From the different drop-down menus, the user can select what Device to run the PowerScript against, select the PowerScript to run, and input the SamAccountName to run the PowerScript as.

Mailbox Access

The secondary tab for this page has a button in the place the PowerScripts button would be on the main page that is labeled "Mailbox Access". This button opens a window that will display a table that shows every mailbox the currently selected user has access to, and their respective sizes (GB).