Exchange Users Approaching Quota Report

Exchange Users Approaching Quota Report

The Exchange Users Approaching Quota Report will only show users that are approaching the preset Quota for Mailbox size.

About the Exchange Users Approaching Quota Report 

The Exchange Users Approaching Quota Report features a table with several columns of pertinent information about all potential future issues where a User's Mailbox size is too close to the Quota.

The table has the following columns:

  • Display Name
  • Database Name
  • Issue Warning Quota
  • Total Item Size (GB)
  • Prohibit Send Quota (GB)
  • Prohibit Send Percentage

Display Name lists the name of the user as it appears within Exchange. Database Name lists the name of the Exchange Database that the user is found within. Issue Warning Quota this is the threshold where a warning will be issued to the user that their Mailbox file is getting a little too large. Total Item Size (GB) this is the current size of the user's Mailbox file in GigaBytes. Prohibit Send Quota (GB) this lists the threshold of when the user is being prohibited from sending emails until they lower their Mailbox file size down below this level. Prohibit Send Percentage is the percentage of space remaining until the user will be within the Prohibit Send threshold.

This Report Only shows Users that are close to the Quota, so an empty report means that every User is not close to the Quota.

All Reports can be printed with the "Print Report" button located at the top of every report page.