Cumulative Mail File Open Times (by interval) Report

Cumulative Mail File Open Times (by interval) Report

The IBM Traveler Cumulative Mail Open Times (by interval) Report displays the amount of Mail Opens the Traveler server gets within specific intervals.

About the IBM Traveler Cumulative Mail Open Times (by interval) Report

The IBM Traveler Cumulative Mail Open Times (by interval) Report contains a line-chart that graphically shows the amount of Mail Opens the Traveler Server has received that lasted specific intervals of time. 

The report itself can be modified by 2 distinct filters:

  • Interval
  • Traveler Server

Interval sets the report to use Traveler-defined time intervals for Mail File Open Times. The Traveler server measures the amount of time it takes to open the Mail File. Depending on how long the process took, it will increment a counter in the appropriate interval, meaning which interval it fits within in terms of minutes take to open. The intervals Traveler uses can be found below:

  • 000-001
  • 001-002
  • 002-005
  • 005-010
  • 010-030
  • 030-060
  • 060-120
  • 120-Inf

The Traveler Server filter allows the report to only be run on choice Traveler servers, if desired.

Once the filters are applied, the line chart can be drilled down even further by clicking on the individual Servers in the legend at the bottom. This will hide/show those Servers from the line chart.

All Reports can be printed with the "Print Report" button located at the top of every report page.