About The IBM Connections Inactive Communities Report
The IBM Connections Inactive Communities Report displays a table that contains every IBM Connections Community with the least recently modified Community at the top, and the most recent at the bottom. This report allows Administrators to see what Communities are not being utilized be the users.
The report itself can be modified by a filter:
Servers selects which servers (if multiple) will be included in the report.
The table has the following columns:
- Server Name
- Community Name
- Owner
- Community Type
- Creation Date
- Last Modified Date
The Server Name column states what server the Community is under. The Community Name column lists the names of the individual Communities. Owner lists the owner of that specific Community. Community Type lists the type of Community, i.e. public, private, etc. Creation Date lists the date of which the Community was created. Last Modified Date shows the last date that the Community was modified.