Domino Server Tasks

Domino Server Tasks

Navigate to: Configurator » Server Settings Editor » Domino Server Tasks tab

 You can monitor various Domino server tasks that exist on a Domino server. In addition, you can select to take an action, such as to restart the task, if the task is malfunctioning.

Setting Server Tasks

  1. Check the box to the left of the task name you want monitored.
  2. Choose what actions you want to take if the task becomes unresponsive.

    If you do not select an action, you will only receive an alert about the unresponsive task.

  3. Select the servers and/or locations for which the tasks will apply.
  4. Click the Add Tasks button to apply monitoring for the selected tasks.
  5. Alternatively, you can also select to Remove Tasks which will disable the monitoring of the task.