Error When Deleting a Server

Error When Deleting a Server

For older versions of VitalSigns, there is a problem with deleting servers from the server list. These steps will guide you through deleting the server directly from the database.

Step 1

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio from the VitalSigns workstation.
  2. Log in using Windows Authentication and using the local SQL Express instance.
If you use your own SQL server, please contact your SQL Server administrator.

Step 2

  1. Select New Query in the top right corner.

Step 3

  1. Choose the "vitalsigns" database from the Available Databases drop down menu.
  2. Copy and paste the query below to list all the servers:

    SELECT ID,ServerName FROM Servers
  3. Select Execute to run the script.

Step 4

  1. Find the name of the server you want to delete and note the corresponding ID number.
  2. Select New Query in the top right corner.
  3. Choose the "vitalsigns" database from the Available Databases drop down menu.
  4. Copy and paste the query below to list all the servers replacing %ENTERSERVERID% with the ID number you noted from the previous table:

    DELETE FROM DominoServerDetails WHERE ServerID = %ENTERSERVERID%
  5. Select Execute to run the script.

You should now be able to remove the server from the VitalSigns UI.