In addition to the system and hardware requirements, the following must be installed on the VitalSigns workstation/server.
- Powershell 4.0
- .NET Framwork 4.5.1
The administration account must have the following:
- Active Directory credentials
- User ID must be an ExchangeAdmin with permissions to execute Remote PowerShell on the Exchange Management Shell
The following PowerShell commands must be run on the server using the same UserID and Credentials that VitalSigns will use.
On the Server:
Open a Windows PowerShell session as administrator
- To configure the station to receive remote commands
- Enter Enable-PSRemoting –Force
- To change the user preference for the Windows PowerShell execution policy to allow the execution of scripts
- Enter Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
- Enter Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
- To create a new Throttling Policy to allow 1000 PowerShell Concurrencies
- Enter New-ThrottlingPolicy -Identity {Custom-Policy-Name} -PowershellMaxConcurrency 1000 -PswsMaxConcurrency 1000 -ThrottlingPolicyScope Regular
- Replace Custom-Policy-Name with new policy name
- To associate the new Throttling Policy with the specified user
- Enter Set-ThrottlingPolicyAssociation -Identity {ID-USED-BY-VitalSigns} -ThrottlingPolicy NEWPOLICYNAME
- Replace ID-USED-BY-VitalSigns with new policy name