PhisherCat Resource Group in Azure

PhisherCat Resource Group in Azure

All the functions, including the Cosmos database, file storage, and related components are stored in the AZ DPS Azure cloud in a resource group identified as “PhisherCat”.

Password Management

To change the PhisherCat Password:

Navigate to the Azure Portal and access the PhisherCat Resource Group. Click on the Key Vault (called PhisherCatKeyVault).

On the left menu, click Secrets and select the value you would like to change, Username or Password.

Click '+ New Version', fill out the form specifying the new value.

Click on the newly created version and copy the "Secret Identifier" value.

Return to the PhisherCat Resource Group and click on the Function App with a name that starts with PC-PS.

On the left menu, click on Configuration.

Find the value you would like to change, UsernameFromVault for the Username change and PasswordFromVault for the Password change and then click the edit button on the right side of the row.

Change the SecretUri string inside the Value string to the new Secret Identifier value you previously copied and click OK to save the value. 

Refresh the list of Configuration and ensure the Key Vault Reference has a green checkmark next to it.


Website Access

To allow users access to the website:

Navigate to the Enterprise Applications within the Azure Portal.

Find the PhisherCat Application and click it.

On the left side, click on "Users and Groups".

Then click the '+Add user/group' button to add a new user and/or group.


PhisherCat Outlook Addin

To allow users to use the PhisherCat Outlook Addin:

Navigate to the Office 365 portal.

Enter the Admin portal.

Expand the side panel and expand Settings and click on Integrated Apps.

Find the PhisherCat App in the side panel.

Click on Users and add the Users/Groups you would like to add.