PowerScript Role Management

PowerScript Role Management

The PowerScript Roles feature allows precise control of who can run which scripts

About The PowerScript Roles page

Use this feature to limit a user to running only authorized PowerShell scripts.

The PowerScript Settings Page, of which Role Management is a tab, is only available to users with the PowerScripts Manager permission, which is set it for a user using Configurator, Application Settings, Users, Access.

You can create any number of roles using the Edit, Add, and Delete buttons.   Give the role a name, such as Human Resources, then check off all the scripts you would want someone in the role to have access to. 

If a user or group has the PowerScripts permission, again set using Configurator, Application Settings, Users, Access, then you can also assign to that user any number of PowerScript roles. 

When the user logs onto VitalSigns it will examine the role membership of the user.  This will be used to determine which scripts a user has access to and only those scripts will be shown when the user clicks a PowerScripts button.

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